
Considered to bring happiness, peace of mind, prosperity, good health and ward off negativity. The normal arrangement of the gems has the Ruby in the middle representing the Sun, sovereign planet of the Zodiac. At the top is the Diamond/Venus, (moving to the right is) Pearl/Moon, Coral/Mars, Hessonite/Rahu, Blue Sapphire/Saturn, Cat's-Eye/Ketu, Yellow Sapphire/Jupiter and Emerald/Mercury. There are particular invocations to honor each planet/gemstone combination. Here is the invocation to the Nava-Ratna:

"I invoke the Supreme Deity who is creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the universe, and the deities presiding over the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu - May they bestow their benediction upon me."

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