
A symbol of the balance of the primordial feminine and masculine energies giving birth to the manifest world; when in balance, good arises, when not in balance, evil arises. These two forces are opposing, but complementary. Within each side of the Yin-Yang, the opposite is also present. The sides sustain each other in an never-ending cycle. We can attest to the fact that male energy has dominated the female energy for far too long on this planet. In this illustrated process toward ascension and balance, the north-south (magnetic) energy of Yin (female) needs to be increased. The east-west (electro) energy of Yang needs to be shifted backward toward the center of the symbol and held at this space to intersect the flowing Yin energy. This creates the +1-1 zero point for perfect balance. I have used the process of meditation and visualization in working with the symbol.

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